A few days ago I decided it was time for me to update myself to the new version of Vuejs, Vue 3. And today I wanted to share with you the first thing I learn that version two didn't have, the teleport
It's well known that modern web applications fit in a div.
Ok, React uses #root
and Vue uses #app
but they just do the same, which is inject the JavaScript code into that div. So here it comes the question:
What if I have an element I want to display as a sibling of the #app
element in the html?
Sometimes we have a loader or a modal (aka popup) component that is not part of the app, but anyway, it will be injected inside the #app
element. Thus, the html will look like this:
<div id="app">
<!-- Other injected HTML here -->
<div class="loader">
<!-- HTML for the loader goes here -->
Let's teleport!
To use the teleport component in your app, you need to first, add a sibling to the #app
element in the html.
<div id="app"></div>
<!-- built files will be auto injected -->
<div class="loader"></div>
<!-- loader component will be injected here -->
Once you've done that, go to your .vue
file and use the teleport component:
<teleport to=".loader" v-if="showLoader">
<Loader />
<!-- The logic of your component goes below -->
And that's it. Now, when the showLoader condition is met, the loader will show in the specified html element. Notice that I used a CSS selector so if the element was an id, I could have done it like this: <teleport to="#loader" v-if="showLoader">
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